66 Quotes by J.R. Ward about butch
"The Brother pulled Craeg to his feet....and embraced him. "Good job son. I'm proud of you."Craeg blinked his eyes fast, as if he were tearing up. The he seemed to give up the fight against his emotions by closing his lids, tucking his head and sagging into the Brother's arms."And that," Rhage said in a loud approving voice, "is how you do it."
"As he vomited, he felt, though did not see, V come over. Forcing his head up, Butch groaned, "Help me..."I'm going to, trahyner. Give me your hand." As Butch held his palm up in despair, Vishous whipped off his glove and grabbed on good and hard. V's energy, that beautiful, white light, poured down Butch's arm and ripped through him in a blast, cleansing, renewing.United by their clasped hands, they became again the two halves, the light and the dark. The Destroyer and the Savior. A whole."
"Listen to me. You have the fashion sense of a park bench and the interpersonal skills of a meat cleaver--""Is this supposed to be helping?""Let me finish--""What's next? The size of my cock?""Hey, even pencils can get the job done--I've heard the moaning from your room to prove it."