4 Quotes by Jack Kerouac about moving
- Author Jack Kerouac
One fast move or I'm gone,' I realize, gone the way of the last three years of drunken hopelessness which is a physical and spiritual and metaphysical hopelessness you can't learn in school no matter how many books on existentialism or pessimisn you read, or how many jugs of vision-producing Ayahuasca drink, or Mescaline take, or Peyote goop up with -
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- Author Jack Kerouac
We were all delighted, we all realized we were leaving confusion and nonsense behind and performing our one and noble function of the time, move.
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- Author Jack Kerouac
It's pretty amazing to see a guy, while steering at the wheel, suddenly raise his little 300 dollar German camera with one hand and snap something that's on the move in front of him, and through an unwashed windshield at that. (On the road with Robert Frank, 1958)
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- Author Jack Kerouac
...and performing our one and noble function of the time, move.
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