42 Quotes by Jane Austen about Persuasion

  • Author Jane Austen
  • Quote

    There is hardly any personal defect which an agreeable manner might not gradually reconcile one to.

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  • Author Jane Austen
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    Dopo questo discorso il volto del Capitano Wentworth assunse per un'attimo un'espressione particolare...ma si trattò di un solo breve attimo di intima ironia e non venne colto dai nessuno dei presenti che lo conoscevano meno di lei.

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  • Author Jane Austen
  • Quote

    ...ma Anne, con la sua raffinata intelligenza e la sua dolcezza, virtù che avrebbero dovuto collocarla molto in alto nella stima di chiunque fosse dotato di giudizio, non era nessuno né per il padre né per la sorella. La sua parola non aveva alcun valore, le sue esigenze erano sempre considerate poco importanti; era soltanto Anne

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  • Author Jane Austen
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    Accade talvolta che una donna sia più bella a ventinove anni di quanto non sia stata dieci anni prima.

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  • Author Jane Austen
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    She thought it could scarcely escape him to feel, that a persuadable temper might sometimes be as much in favour of happiness, as a very resolute character.

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  • Author Jane Austen
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    Now, how were his sentiments to be read? Was this like wishing to avoid her? And the next moment she was hating herself for the folly which asked the question.

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  • Author Jane Austen
  • Quote

    You should have distinguished,' replied Anne. 'You should not have suspected me now; the case so different, and my age so different. If I was wrong in yielding to persuasion once, remember that it was to persuasion exerted on the side of safety, not of risk. When I yielded, I thought it was to duty; but no duty could be called in aid here.

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