10 Quotes by Jeanette Winterson about heart
- Author Jeanette Winterson
What should I do about the wild and the tame? The wild heart that wants to be free, and the tame heart that wants to come home. I want to be held. I don't want you to come too close. I want you to scoop me up and bring me home at nights. I don't want to tell you where I am. I want to keep a place among the rocks where no one can find me. I want to be with you.
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- Author Jeanette Winterson
Love, they say, enslaves and passion is a demon and many have been lost for love . . . When I fell in love it was as though I looked into a mirror for the first time and saw myself. This was me. And when I had looked at myself and grown accustomed to who I was, I was afraid to hate parts of me because I wanted to be worthy of the mirror bearer.
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- Author Jeanette Winterson
your morse code interferes with my heart beat. I had a steady heart before you, I replied upon it, it had seen active service and grown strong. Now you alter its pace with your own rhythm you play upon me, drumming me taught.
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- Author Jeanette Winterson
My own heart, like this wild place, has never been visited, and I do not know whether it could sustain life.
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- Author Jeanette Winterson
Language is what stops the heart exploding.
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- Author Jeanette Winterson
The truth is that you can divide your heart in all sorts of interesting ways - a little here, a little there, most banked at home, some of it coined out for a flutter. But love cleaves through the mind's mathematics. Love's lengthways splits the heart in two - the heart where you are, the heart where you want to be. How will you heal your heart when love has split it in two?
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- Author Jeanette Winterson
If you should leave me, my heart will turn to water and flood away.
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- Author Jeanette Winterson
The body can endure compromise and the mind can be seduced by it. Only the heart protests. The heart. Carbon-based primitive in a silicon world.
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- Author Jeanette Winterson
Love's lengthways splits the heart in two - the heart where you are, the heart where you want to be.
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