66 Quotes by Jeanette Winterson about Love
- Author Jeanette Winterson
The body can endure compromise and the mind can be seduced by it. Only the heart protests.
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- Author Jeanette Winterson
Rights begin where love ends. Shall we argue over who is the most to blame?
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- Author Jeanette Winterson
When love is unreliable and you are a child, you assume that it is the nature of love -- its quality -- to be unreliable. Children do not find fault with their parents until later. In the beginning the love you get is the love that sets.
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- Author Jeanette Winterson
Mrs. Winterson did not have a soothing personality. Ask for reassurance and it would never come. I never asked her if she loved me. She loved me on those days when she was able to love. I really believe that is the best she could do.
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- Author Jeanette Winterson
Don't you think it's strange that life, described as so rich and full, a camel-trail of adventure, should shrink to this coin sized world?
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- Author Jeanette Winterson
What other places are there in the world than those discovered on a lover’s body?
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- Author Jeanette Winterson
Words like passion and ecstasy, we learn them but they stay flat on the page. Sometimes we try to turn them over, find out what's on the other side, and everyone has a story to tell os a woman or a brothel or an opium night or a war. We fear it. We fear passion and laugh at too much love and those who love too much.
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- Author Jeanette Winterson
While I can’t have you, I long for you. I am the kind of person who would miss a train or a plane to meet you for coffee. I’d take a taxi across town to see you for ten minutes. I’d wait outside all night if I thought you would open the door in the morning. If you call me and say ‘Will you…’ my answer is ‘Yes’, before your sentence is out. I spin worlds where we could be together. I dream you. For me, imagination and desire are very close.
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- Author Jeanette Winterson
However it is debased or misinterpreted, love is a redemptive feature. To focus on one individual so that their desires become superior to yours is a very cleansing experience.
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