8 Quotes by Joe Joe Dawson about god

"Noah got a word from God then built upon that word. Then when the storm came he stood on what he built according to the word of God!"


"This is Your Time! Someone lied to you and said it wasn't, but it is! Never let anyone talk you out of your God Given Destiny!"


"ONE PERSON saying yes to God can change everything!"


"Some of you have been through things that would of killed most people, but God keeps pulling you through because he isn't through with you. You have a God destiny that's about to be manifested!"


"Before your greatest victories, you will always fight your greatest battles. Stay in the Fight."


"Never be afraid of the PROCESS that will take you to the PROMISE"


"Almost All Christians want to taste the fruits of revival but only a few will do what's necessary to achieve it."


"Prayer is the Fuel for Revival Fire!"
