42 Quotes by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe about Love
- Author Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Think of you! I do not think of you; you are always before my soul.
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- Author Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
He who doesn't see his lover's faults as virtues is not in love.
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- Author Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
¿Por qué fatalidad ha sido preciso que lo que hace y constituye la dicha del hombre, sea tan a menudo el origen, y la causa de su infortunio?
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- Author Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Ben ayrımında değilim: Ne zaman gündüz oluyor, ne zaman gece. Evren etrafımdan silindi ve sadece o kaldı.
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- Author Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Denn so ist die Liebe beschaffen, daß sie allein recht zu haben glaubt und alle anderen Rechte vor ihr verschwinden.
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- Author Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
ONE HUNDRED TIMES have I been on the point of embracingher. Heavens! what a torment it is to see so much lovelinesspassing and repassing before us, and yet not dare to lay holdof it! And laying hold is the most natural of human instincts.Do not children touch everything they see?
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- Author Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Those only obtain love who seek it not.
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- Author Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Why should we not recognize in the lightning, the thunder, and the storm wind, the approach of an overwhelming Power, and in the scent of flowers and the gently rustling zephyr the presence of a Being full of love?
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- Author Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
You don't love if you don't take the beloved's faults for virtues.
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