72 Quotes by John Casey about mindfulness
- Author John Casey
Raw deal, wrong track, wrong song. Detest it all yet hold it close; there is esoteric comfort in deference for despair. When it is all you have, with no way out, love it darkly.
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- Author John Casey
A veiled irony, how true inspiration so rarely comes from within. Or if it does, it is so personal, it almost qualifies as selfishness.
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- Author John Casey
Happenchance sparks with no matter who, waiting for love to arrive. To anyone, here I am, longing, as long as I am alive.
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- Author John Casey
I will remember where the dark used to be. I remember what it looked like. What it felt like, what it did to me, what it did to others. And I will keep the light on.
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- Author John Casey
It is the present now and at noon yesterday, it was the present then. When noon tomorrow arrives, it will also be the present. The present is all there is.
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- Author John Casey
Silver starlight blankets the cool night. Our eyes reflecting something, suspecting, could it be this is love?
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- Author John Casey
Weakness is to take a knee, fear I will not succeed. If I can choose destiny and move, then I am freed.
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- Author John Casey
I'll carve a special little niche, safe from the perils of life, where I can make a place for hope. First, I need to find a knife.
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- Author John Casey
Or, am I inconsequential to it all? A random, forgettable moment in your delicate, pastel existence?
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