5 Quotes by John Rogers about currency

  • Author John Rogers
  • Quote

    Other generations faced big challenges: the Industrial Revolution with its sweeping social and economic changes; abolishing slavery; defeating fascism; establishing civil rights for all. The generations now alive must solve the 'money problem'. We must reclaim money from the speculators and restore it to its role as a medium for trade that serves us all.

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  • Author John Rogers
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    We can always create enough of our own local money to handle all the trades and exchanges we wish to make. While national currency basically drives, and is driven by profit, local money supports people with other values: people who believe in local diversity, mutual help, treating people as assets instead of problems, valuing all types of work, creating strong social networks and protecting the environment. It is these people, their values and commitment that make local money systems work.

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  • Author John Rogers
  • Quote

    Everyone is waiting for money. National currency is scarce because its creators keep it scarce. So people are experimenting with new ideas for issuing and organising money.

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