8 Quotes by John C. Maxwell about business
"If you want to tap into your discernment potential, work in your areas of strength."
"Opportunity doesn't come to the door knocking. You've got to go out and look for it."
"If you're in the habit of listening only to the facts and not the person who expresses them, change your focus - and really listen."
"If you don't already have a mentor, go out and find one. If you can't get someone to help you in person, begin the process by reading books. That's where I got started. The main thing is to get the process under way."
"If what you did 5 years ago still greatly excites you, you probably aren't growing."
"If others work for you, give your own time only to those who are willing to learn and grow."
"As you interact with people, you certainly want to pay attention to the factual content of the conversation. But don't ignore the emotional content. Sometimes you can learn more about what's really going on by reading between the lines."