59 Quotes by John C. Maxwell about thinking

"That no matter how often someone says you can't do something, by simply working harder and trying, you can prove them wrong and actually change your circumstance.Change your thinking and it will change your life."


"The greatest enemy of good thinking is busyness."


"The more you engage in good thinking, the more good thoughts you will continue to think. As playwright Victor Hugo asserted, "An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an invasion of ideas."


"When you hear someone say, "Now this is just off the top of my head," expect dandruff. The only people who believe thinking is easy are those who don't habitually engage in it."


"Only when you make the right changes to your thinking do other things begin to turn out right."


"Ben Franklin quipped, "Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall receive it." Negative expectations are a quick route to dead-end thinking."


"The person with a plan, a picture, will go after thoughts that add value to their thinking. It's easy to connect the dots if you know where you're going. Likewise, it's easy to connect ideas when you have a plan."


"Creativity is being able to see what everybody else has seen and think what nobody else has thought so you can do what nobody else has done."


"Sir Antony Jay said, "The uncreative mind can spot wrong answers, but it takes a creative mind to spot wrong questions." Wrong questions shut down the process of creative thinking. They direct thinkers down the same old path, or they chide them into believing that thinking isn't necessary at all."


"Only by practicing and developing your thinking daily will your ideas get better. Your thinking ability is determined not by your desire to think, but by your past thinking."
