7 Quotes by John Carroll about men

  • Author John Carroll
  • Quote

    Men become utilitarian out of fear of the alternative the chaos of tangled or tepid desires, of rootlessness and boredom.

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  • Author John Carroll
  • Quote

    If man is to remain the creator and master of his world then, Stirner maintains, ... all that has been accepted, that has taken on the secure guise of the 'fact', must be return to a state of flux, or be rejected.

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  • Author John Carroll
  • Quote

    The garden [of Eden] is the realm of pure beauty from which man is expelled when he becomes interested in ethics, in the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. The return into paradise, the homecoming, depends on him penetrating the veils of morality to glimpse again the lineaments of lost beauty.

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  • Author John Carroll
  • Quote

    Man at his best is a system-breaker, an iconoclast seeking not only variety, but destruction.

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  • Author John Carroll
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    The act of greatest subversion ... is the one of indifference. A man, or a group, finds it unbearable that someone can be simply uninterested in his, or its, convictions. ... There is a degree of complicity, or mutual respect, between the believer and the man who attacks his beliefs (the revolutionary), for the latter takes them seriously.

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  • Author John Carroll
  • Quote

    Nietzsche saw in the Protestant ethic, in both its religious and secular (economic) forms, a final protest before the emergence into dominance of the ordered, bourgeois world of the 'last man' he who will pay any price in tedium for comfort and the absence of tension.

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  • Author John Carroll
  • Quote

    Man is more than an animal only in that he finds expression for the beautiful.

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