6 Quotes by John Quincy Adams about government
"To preserve, to improve, and to perpetuate the sources and to direct in their most effective channels the streams which contribute to the public weal is the purpose for which Government was instituted."
"Is it not that in the chain of human events, the birthday of a nation is indissolubly linked with the birthday of the Savior? That it forms a leading event in the progress of the Gospel dispensation? Is it not that the Declaration of Independence first organized the social compact on the foundation of the Redeemer’s mission upon earth? That it laid the cornerstone of human government upon the first precepts of Christianity?"
"The declaration that our People are hostile to a government made by themselves, for themselves, and conducted by themselves, is an insult."
"The manners of women are the surest criterion by which to determine whether a republican government is practicable in a nation or not."
"The experience of all former ages had shown that of all human governments, democracy was the most unstable, fluctuating and short-lived."
"The great problem of legislation is, so to organize the civil government of a community ... that in the operation of human institutions upon social action, self-love and social may be made the same."