8 Quotes by Jonathan Hayashi about church
- Author Jonathan Hayashi
When we look at the life of Jesus, we see that He didn’t draw large crowds for the sake of counting heads or logging attendance. He never gauged effectiveness by nickels and noses. Therefore, the goal of the church should not be to build a megachurch. The end goal is to build a healthy church with mature believers.
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- Author Jonathan Hayashi
While churches are looking for decisions, Jesus is looking for disciples.
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- Author Jonathan Hayashi
If a church’s strategy is not grounded in making disciples, the church has abandoned the mission Christ has given.
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- Author Jonathan Hayashi
At times, I wonder why the church has so little influence on the world….that it is because the world has so much influence on the church
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- Author Jonathan Hayashi
The church is not a meeting you attend or a place you enter. It’s an identity that is yours in Christ.
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- Author Jonathan Hayashi
When discipline leaves a church, Christ goes with it.
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- Author Jonathan Hayashi
The church is filled with people who think they are participating in the mission while binge-watching from the sidelines and criticizing how others are making disciples.
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- Author Jonathan Hayashi
Even in way we function as a church in the way we approach success, it is often driven by notion of pagan agendas. The bride of Christ has been affected for the stands that she takes and we have taken the consumeristic culture influencing the mind of the redeem.
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