8 Quotes by Jonathan Hayashi about jesus
- Author Jonathan Hayashi
Most people want Jesus as a consultant rather than a king. Many want to consume the kingdom of God without first carrying the cross of Christ.
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- Author Jonathan Hayashi
Many pastors criticize me for taking the gospel so seriously. But do they really think that on judgment day, Christ will chastise me and say, “Jonathan, you took me way too seriously”?
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- Author Jonathan Hayashi
Today, we have cheapened what it means to know Jesus by linking belief to a formulaic prayer that magically imports us into a relationship with God.
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- Author Jonathan Hayashi
If you are not changed by grace, you’re probably not saved by grace.
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- Author Jonathan Hayashi
Following Jesus may be personal, but it is never private.
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- Author Jonathan Hayashi
According to Jesus examples discipleship is not a program we launch. It is a lifestyle we embrace.
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- Author Jonathan Hayashi
When we look at the life of Jesus, we see that He didn’t draw large crowds for the sake of counting heads or logging attendance. He never gauged effectiveness by nickels and noses. Therefore, the goal of the church should not be to build a megachurch. The end goal is to build a healthy church with mature believers.
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- Author Jonathan Hayashi
Take heart brother. Be encouraged my friend. The struggle you’re facing, God can take it. Place your faith in the midst of the storm in the one who is the Creator of all things who sustains us by His irresistible grace.
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