12 Quotes by Jonathan Safran Foer about sadness
- Author Jonathan Safran Foer
You cannot protect yourself from sadness without protecting yourself from happiness.
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- Author Jonathan Safran Foer
I am always sad, I think. Perhaps this signifies that I am not sad at all, because sadness is something lower than your normal disposition, and I am always the same thing. Perhaps I am the only person in the world, then, who never becomes sad. Perhaps I am lucky.
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- Author Jonathan Safran Foer
Why do beautiful songs make you sad?' 'Because they aren't true.' 'Never?' 'Nothing is beautiful and true.
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- Author Jonathan Safran Foer
She was a genius of sadness, immersing herself in it, separating its numerous strands, appreciating its subtle nuances. She was a prism through which sadness could be divided into its infinite spectrum.
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- Author Jonathan Safran Foer
SADNESS OF THE INTELLECT: Sadness of being misunderstood [sic]; Humor sadness; Sadness of love wit[hou]t release; Sadne[ss of be]ing smart; Sadness of not knowing enough words to [express what you mean]; Sadness of having options; Sadness of wanting sadness; Sadness of confusion; Sadness of domes[tic]ated birds, Sadness of fini[shi]ng a book; Sadness of remembering; Sadness of forgetting; Anxiety sadness...
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- Author Jonathan Safran Foer
В ту ночь, лежа на кровати, я изобрел специальную дренажную систему, которая одним концом будет подведена под каждую подушку в Нью-Йорке, а другим соединена с резервуаром. Где бы люди ни плакали перед сном, слезы всегда будут стекать в одно место, а утром метеоролог сообщит, возрос или опустился уровень воды в резервуаре слез, и всем будет ясно, сколько гирь у ньюйоркцев на сердце.
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- Author Jonathan Safran Foer
This is what we're like. We are broken individuals, committing to what will be a broken union in a broken world.
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- Author Jonathan Safran Foer
Era un genio della tristezza, e in essa si tuffava distinguendone i molti fili, apprezzandone le sfumature più sottili. Era un prisma attraverso cui la tristezza poteva suddividersi enl suo infinito sprettro. Brod, inventrice delle 613 Tristezze
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- Author Jonathan Safran Foer
She was a prism through which sadness could be divided into its infinite spectrum.
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