16 Quotes by Jose R. Coronado about Love
- Author Jose R. Coronado
It's your thoughts, words, and deeds; a farmer sowing his seeds, it's a mind thing described in those creeds. As within, so without. As above, so below. Think, say and act love and it's love that will flow. Let hate harbor in your mind and hate is what you'll regretfully find.
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- Author Jose R. Coronado
Lord, forgive me for choosing things I shouldn't do. Look upon me with favor and don't turn your face from me, forgive me. I know I have to have more self-control than what I choose to have at times but I am of flesh, a mere breath of air. I'm discontent with myself. I yearn to do your will, to be holy and righteous, to find favor with you Almighty but I chose to be ed by my flesh and how I hate the bitter taste it leaves in my mouth.
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- Author Jose R. Coronado
It's intelligence mixed with less than innocence, it's cruelty mixed with a sense of elegance. It's a trap set for seduction to those that are persuaded by speech.
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- Author Jose R. Coronado
It's reassurance, yes it's sure to be, lick in between your legs, a mouth full of your femininity. I guess you know how my words are so persuasive, persuade you in a position foreign to your native.Hawaiian punch rose petals spread all over this marble floor, glasses of sparkling wine as you walk through the door. Deep with purpose, impress this on your subconscious, fatal, it's like having sex with your mental.
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- Author Jose R. Coronado
Praise my all-righteous God. Lord, you are beyond description of what I can put in words. The human language with all its most beautiful, intensified, descriptive words can't express an inch of your amazingness.
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- Author Jose R. Coronado
Lord, I come to you in meditation and prayer. I ask that you never turn from me. Never let me lack communion with you. Let my life be filled with all the beauty that abides in you and let these things guide me. If I have wronged you or your laws in anyway, even in 'thought', please forgive me. You know deep in my heart I want and I try to do good but I fall short. At times, I despise my flesh; I know what I have to do. I want to do it but I choose not to & I'm sorry.
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- Author Jose R. Coronado
Everyday that goes by you help me build my character and little by little, I gain more self-control and mastery over myself. The vast greatness of our oneness together completes me from soul to flesh, from Heaven to Earth, from head to toe. Your cosmic power brings me to consciousness of the cosmos. I put all my hope and my faith in you.
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- Author Jose R. Coronado
I'm made through the image and likeness of the Supreme God so in his image and likeness, I AM Supreme.
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- Author Jose R. Coronado
They say God chooses the weak & foolish things to confound the wise. Don't let these weak, foolish men sell you a dream, they're good at telling lies.
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