14 Quotes by Josh Hawley about politics
- Author Josh Hawley
Roosevelt believed that liberty had more to it than the right to be let alone. It was the right to have a say in one’s nation, to help shape the future of the community one called home, to exercise the power and mastery of a citizen.
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- Author Josh Hawley
Facebook mouthed platitudes about user privacy and choice; company executives disclaimed any political manipulation or unequal treatment; but the truth was clearly otherwise. Facebook had a political agenda, or more precisely, a social agenda, and it was determined to use its power to achieve it.
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- Author Josh Hawley
When the tech behemoths claim, as they routinely do, that they couldn’t exist without Section 230, they are only slightly exaggerating. They couldn’t exist without the new and improved Section 230 that they rewrote with the help of the courts.
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- Author Josh Hawley
Our republic has never been more hierarchical, more riven by class, more managed by an elite than it is today.
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- Author Josh Hawley
We all have to live in the world Big Tech has created around us.
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- Author Josh Hawley
Antitrust has become a legal backwater in recent decades. But the curse of bigness is back, and antitrust enforcement must come back with it, updated to perform its original, republican function: protecting the independence of the American people from oligarchic control.
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- Author Josh Hawley
Give every American the right to stop data collection altogether with the click of a button. That’s what I call the Do Not Track proposal, legislation I introduced in the Senate.
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- Author Josh Hawley
The tyranny of Big Tech can be challenged.
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- Author Josh Hawley
This is a book the corporate monopolies did not want you to read.
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