4 Quotes by Jyoti Patel about strange
- Author Jyoti Patel
The strangest partof our story is that,you are not with meeven when you are with me- I miss the old you
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- Author Jyoti Patel
With a strange smileand slightly bending her faceshe looked up at the skyand noticed the birdssitting in silence anda horse with the broken legsand the strange part was thatshe saw herself in a tigressthat is lonely and lostwith a sly sheep
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- Author Jyoti Patel
How strange it isthat you tried to runto faraway placesyet landed in your destiny,how strange it isthat you ran awayfrom the truthfor so long yet,it found the way backto you- expect the unexpected
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- Author Jyoti Patel
Life is strange, life can give you everything even when you don’t desire for anything and life can take away your entire happiness when you need it the most.
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