19 Quotes by Jyoti Patel about feelings

"Life made me realize thatI can also livewithout those peoplewith whom I want to livefor the rest of my life- life goes on"


"The voice that comes outfrom a painful hearton a long rainy nightthat voice travels far away- Shattered"


"Don't give himtoo much of spacein your heartthat it becomes hardfor your heart to breath.- do not cling to anything"


"From the dayshe left himwith no words,his soul is the mostheaviest thing on the planet- Wretched"


"What if I tell youmy world collapsedseeing you walk away,what if I tell you thatthe sky tear apartin your absence,what if I tell youmy world gets destroyedin the silence between us- ruined"


"One day,she gave up on himbut, that's not thesaddest part though,the saddest partof the story is thathe never cared enoughto look back for once- too much to handle"


"The one who neverfelt the paindeep down to his heartwould never understanda soul that is suffering- experiences"


"When the mind is filled with ego,when the heart is filled with hate,when the souls are not connected,when you are at war within,a big and precious wedding ringholds no value- The fact"


"You’ve turned awayyour face from the truthbut, your heartis still struggling to beatwith the zillion liesyou said to her.- Truth"
