78 Quotes by Kamand Kojouri about inspiration
- Author Kamand Kojouri
For me,you are fresh waterthat falls from treeswhen it has stopped raining. For me, you are cinnamon that lingers on the tongue and givesbitter wordssweetening.For me, you are the scent of violins and visionof valleys smiling.And still,for me, your loveliness never ends.It traverses the worldand finds its way back to me.Only me.
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- Author Kamand Kojouri
It is your ego that needs to explain itself. The self just is.
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- Author Kamand Kojouri
Enlightenment lacks any form of judgment.
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- Author Kamand Kojouri
The only thing that prevents us from being happy is thinking.
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- Author Kamand Kojouri
Before you, nothing.Now you, and everything
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- Author Kamand Kojouri
Ask of your eyes to seeonly to seek love.Ask of your mouth to speakonly to utter words of love.Ask of your hands to feelif only to touch the lover.
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- Author Kamand Kojouri
Love is the most integral function of our lives. That is why LOVE is only one letter away from LIVE.
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- Author Kamand Kojouri
The best traveler is one without a camera.
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- Author Kamand Kojouri
When you get shy, you’re simply thinking of yourself. Stop it. Step out of yourself.
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