75 Quotes by Kamil Ali about Kamiltheauthor
"LINK OUT OF SYNCWhen the mind fails to keep pace with the body's maturityKamil Ali"
"ARE YOU A MOVIE STAR?Prerequisite for Laziness: Creativity, award winning actor/actress, convincing speech"
"OPTICAL ILLUSIONPolitical correctnessKamil Ali"
"FRACTURED FACTIONSMany cults are created by the uncontrollable egos of religious zealots"
"DEMONS MUST BE RELIGIOUSDue to exorcism based on each religion's practices"
"IMPERCEPTIBLE IMPELLENTGod exists in the heart, not in the show of religious alignment"
"PACKAGE MARRIAGE Arranged / Mail Order – Tripping over objects in a dark room, hoping to find the light switchKamil Ali"