75 Quotes by Kamil Ali about Kamiltheauthor
"ADEPT ADAPTATIONPotholes on the road of life sharpen our maneuverability skillsKamil Ali"
"TRUST ADJUST - An act that changes perception can elevate or lower integrity"
"SMILESustain Moderation In Life's ExpresswayKamil Ali"
"ORTHODOX PARADOX Religion, unlike ethnicity, is inculcated Kamil Ali"
"RETURN TO TENDEROur aging parents deserve the same loving care they gave us in infancyKamil Ali"
"LATENT TALENTAnagram of complacencyKamil Ali"
"MIND & GRINDSelf-belief and hard work can propel you past more talented peers"
"ASSERT -Always Stand Strong, Evoking Respect Tacitly"
"SELF HELPUse the same amount of energy required to pull others down, to uplift yourself insteadKamil Ali"
"DON'T QUIT NOWSuccessful graduates from the school of life thrive on failed attempts Kamil Ali"