4 Quotes by Karl Wiggins about work-ethic

  • Author Karl Wiggins
  • Quote

    Why should you and I pay for the lazy sods? They’ve given up looking for a job! Why should we pay for them? While you drag your arse out of bed and put in a shift, they sleep, play video games, watch Jeremy Kyle, eat and shit. And yet you and I have to pay for their very existence!

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  • Author Karl Wiggins
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    My policy is if they haven’t found a job in twelve months then they take the first one that’s offered them. And no choice in the matter. They’ve had twelve months to find the job they want, and they’ve done fuck all about it, so it’s time to grab them by the scruff of the neck and send them out to work. Agreed?  

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  • Author Karl Wiggins
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    If someone’s been signing on for six months with still no sign of finding gainful employment, then in order to continue to receive their Unemployment Benefit or Jobseeker’s Allowance they should complete at least 30 hours of compulsory work a week with the idea being that not only do they benefit their own communities, but this would also assist them in developing basic employability skills

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