4 Quotes by Karoline von Günderrode about friendship
- Author Karoline von Günderrode
Each interesting piece of knowledge, feeling or experience, if others don’t share it with me, is a mountain that separates me from those with whom I would like to join.
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- Author Karoline von Günderrode
I usually carry around a quiet little chamber in my mind in this life; in it I live an isolated, separated, happy life interested in and loving some person, an idea, a science, or an art. Because I linger much too much in this cosy little corner, I am stupid and strange with the world and people, and am always too clumsy to treat them as one should.
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- Author Karoline von Günderrode
I love immensely to see myself reflected in others; for I hope the other will let me see a more beautiful image than I see in myself.
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- Author Karoline von Günderrode
[I]t seems so sweet to be loved by excellent people; to me it is the most flattering proof of my own value.
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