100 Quotes by Kate McGahan about love
- Author Kate McGahan
We think that we are living when we walk upon the earth but the very moment we “die” there, we wake up here! This life on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge is the real one. We find that our life on earth was just a dream, a dream designed to lead us further and further into love. True love grows and then cannot be destroyed. It grows and grows until it is stronger than death.
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- Author Kate McGahan
Once you know true love you will never again be deceived by its counterfeit.
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- Author Kate McGahan
Soul is the invisible part of a living being that is immortal and breath is the evidence that the soul exists. The soul is what goes to Heaven when we no longer need our body here. We may be dogs, but we breathe, we bleed, and we love just like anybody else.
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- Author Kate McGahan
All the love you ever gave is waiting for you there at Rainbow Bridge.
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- Author Kate McGahan
When you feel good you want to go out into the big wide world and make a positive difference. You feel love when you feel good and you want to give that love to everyone you meet. As you go along, you find that most others want what you have and they are usually very willing students, wanting to learn what you already learned so long ago.
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- Author Kate McGahan
Time can heal and time can help forgive and forget because in time the memories fade. The time will go so slow so fast and love will stay if it's right.
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- Author Kate McGahan
We set our own limits on love. Some of us bind our hearts like Chinese women bind their feet. The binding is painful at first but eventually you get used to it and the pain goes away. The saddest part of all is that by binding yourself to the choices you make, you forget that there was ever another way to live.
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- Author Kate McGahan
It's easy to equate longing with love. It's the same way it was with your mother. You worked to earn her love. You loved and were not appreciated. You learned that love was Work and Wanting and Giving and Longing. This is what you learned love was and you are still trying to find it by that old definition. But that is not what love is.
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- Author Kate McGahan
Some loves are like the tide. Like water washing over you then slipping through your fingers. They come and they go. They come and they go.
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