25 Quotes by Kate Meader about hockey-romance

  • Author Kate Meader
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    I won’t say I’ll be quick because that’s not a good look.”She giggled, and that sound released a coil of tension inside him. He turned and kissed her because to not do so would be a missed opportunity for joy. He found himself craving it all. Craving her.“What was that for?” she whispered when he let her up for air.“I’m glad you’re here.”She blinked in surprise. “Oh. I’m glad I’m here, too.

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  • Author Kate Meader
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    Why are we having this conversation? Do we need to establish we like each other enough so we can feel better about wanting to kiss each other? Are we so afraid of sheer animal lust that we have to pair it with, ugh, respect?”He laughed, enjoying himself immensely. It was supposed to be just a kiss. How had it turned into a thesis on likability and lust?

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  • Author Kate Meader
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    For the last three years, he’d held his body as taut as a bowstring. He couldn’t imagine ever feeling at ease again.That was one more reason why the notion of sex with someone new was so difficult. Letting go like that required a level of surrender he wasn’t sure he had in him to give. Trust in another person to see you at your most vulnerable and not take advantage.

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  • Author Kate Meader
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    We can,” he murmured against her mouth, his breath a hot puff of longing. “We can do anything we want. I’ve never met anyone who needs to be held and loved as much as you do, Harper. Well, it so happens that you’ve got a man here with strong arms made to keep you safe. With so much love inside him that it’s just busting to get out. It’s all for you, minou. No one else I’d rather give it to.

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  • Author Kate Meader
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    He’s the opposite of cute. He’s like a cross between an Orc and Ent. He has the big, brutish body of an Orc but he got some Ent genes, probably from his mother’s side. Basically a tree-trunk with good hair.”Peyton’s nose twitched. Lord of the Ring references were not her jam. “You’ve given this a lot of thought.

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