5 Quotes by Ken Ham about biology
- Author Ken Ham
In general, placental animals would move slower than marsupials, which can collect their young (e.g., in pouches) and continue migrating. Many placental animals need to stop and settle for a time to raise their young but, theoretically, great varieties of land animals could have gone to any region of Europe, Asia, and Africa.
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- Author Ken Ham
To suppose that the eye, with all its inimitable contrivances . . . could have been formed by natural selection, seems, I freely confess, ABSURD in the highest possible degree.
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- Author Ken Ham
Kinds are like the dog sort (including dingoes, wolves, coyotes, domestic dogs, etc.), cat sort (including lions, tigers, cougars, bobcats, domestic cats, etc.), horse sort (ponies, Clydesdales, donkeys, zebras, etc.), and so on. There is variation within these kinds especially since the Flood, but not evolution where one kind changes into a totally different kind over long periods of time — which is not observed anyway (e.g., amoebas turning into dogs).
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- Author Ken Ham
Those that entered the ark in pairs were for the purpose of repopulating their kind after the Flood. This is why the female is paired with it. But the sacrificial clean animals were obviously not required to go in pairs as they had no mates and their function was not to keep their kinds alive after the Flood (Genesis 7:36). Sacrifice costs the sacrificer something. If not, it really isn’t a sacrifice. King David later recognized this (2 Samuel 24:24
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- Author Ken Ham
Darwin’s own evidence was confined to variations WITHIN the KIND (Genesis 1:25), i.e. beak variations within Galapagos finches.
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