16 Quotes by Kenneth Eade about Justice
- Author Kenneth Eade
Everything in life has a yin and yang – an interconnected, complementary and opposite force. Just as we need the light to distinguish it from the dark, we recognize injustice in the world demands justice to provide a balance.
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- Author Kenneth Eade
Brent had had enough experience with the legal system to know that, despite the express wording of the Constitution
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- Author Kenneth Eade
You were guilty until you proved yourself innocent, and the government’s idea of justice was to decide you were guilty first and then lock you up so you couldn’t prepare a defense, let alone pay for one.
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- Author Kenneth Eade
Look innocent. Have hope.” “Okay.” “And remember…” “What?” “Even O.J. Simpson was acquitted.
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- Author Kenneth Eade
The power to kill does not come without responsibility
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- Author Kenneth Eade
Fair is irrelevant. This is the law – it has nothing to do with justice.
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- Author Kenneth Eade
Fair has nothing to do with it. This is the law – it has nothing to do with justice.
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- Author Kenneth Eade
What kind of justice system is it that lets innocent people go to jail for things they didn’t do?”“The kind with no justice.
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- Author Kenneth Eade
Brent knew that the federal “justice” system had been built on the concept that “you cannot fight city hall”. It had been structured to deprive all defendants of a fair trial by putting most of the power in the hands of the prosecutors, and tying judges’ hands with mandatory minimum sentences.
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