9 Quotes by Kilroy J. Oldster about music

  • Author Kilroy J. Oldster
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    Without music, how would anyone muster the courage to endure the great sorrows of life and patience to tolerate the minor irritants? Music gives flight to the imagination, and bequeaths charm and gaiety to life.

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  • Author Kilroy J. Oldster
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    Music forms an integral part in people’s lives including its global usage as a backdrop for work, play, and serving as a stress reducer. The erumpent sounds of music serve a prime role in sheer entertainment and operate to stave off the dullness of mere silence. Musical tones evoke a wide range of emotions. Americans use music to soothe their nerves, for motivational purposes, set a romantic mood, and occupy their brain in order to thwart boredom and loneliness.

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  • Author Kilroy J. Oldster
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    Rhythmic music first hooks us and then chimes us together. Music seizes control of our emotional control center; it elevates pleasure and ameliorates sorrow. Music expresses intangible feelings; music articulates revered emotions inexpressible in mere language. Music evokes wistfulness, longing, and other tender thoughts. Musical dynamism urges us to shout out in joy or charms us into perceiving a physical and mystical world tinged with a tincture of awe.

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  • Author Kilroy J. Oldster
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    Music is an emotional pipeline; it makes the dust piles of life seem less drab. Music touches and connects everybody; it allows a person to comprehend that they feel the same joy, hopes, fears, and desires as all people. Robert Browning, an English poet and playwright said, ‘Who hears music feels his solitude peopled at once.

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  • Author Kilroy J. Oldster
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    Silken strings composing the harpsichord of life accommodate a score of emotional tidings. An orchestra of linked heartbeats strumming the melodious prose of our collective intones gives rise to sonnets of melancholy, producing an illimitable libretto stretching from the milky dawn of newborn’s amaranth life to the speckled sunsets of gentle souls whom we cherish.

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  • Author Kilroy J. Oldster
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    Music has the ability to express in the upbeat every brilliant aspect of existence, while on the downbeat convey the anguish that a human being experiences when apprehending the fleeting nature of time, and the mysterious torture of living and dying. Music stands alone in its ability to communicate the symbols and phases of life, both being and nonbeing.

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  • Author Kilroy J. Oldster
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    In its own unique and indefinable manner, music indirectly communicates the joys of life along with the pains and terrors overwhelming humanity. The universal language of music quantities the human experience, its range of variation encapsulates the scale of humankind’s exuberance for living as well as expresses our apprehension of suffering and death. Because music articulates the quintessence of life and yokes a myriad of human events into an expressible format, music is a critical act.

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