32 Quotes by Kingsley Opuwari Manuel about inspirational
- Author Kingsley Opuwari Manuel
Bible study without Bible experience is pointless. Knowing Psalm 23 is different from knowing the shepherd.
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- Author Kingsley Opuwari Manuel
All men are equal but their graces and abilities separates them and makes certain things possible for them than for others.
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- Author Kingsley Opuwari Manuel
Whatever confronts your faith can be a test but if it stands to oppose the content of your personality and the validity of your convictions then it's threat.
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- Author Kingsley Opuwari Manuel
The Christian Journey is not just to a place "Heaven", it is also to a person "Jesus". Ephesians 4:13 says "Till we all come to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ
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- Author Kingsley Opuwari Manuel
Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever and He doesn't need a makeover!
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- Author Kingsley Opuwari Manuel
The problem with the prosperity gospel is that it makes prosperity the Gospel. God's word is flawless, however if your interpretation of the word is wrong, your application will be wrong also.
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- Author Kingsley Opuwari Manuel
Don't give people the hate that they deserve, give them the love that you have. The love of God is shared abroad in your heart by the Holy Spirit. It must not be a bible verse, it must be real in your life. The more you love, the more capacity to love you will experience. The true test of real love is loving the unlovable. Everyone deserves to be loved in a way that they don't deserve.
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- Author Kingsley Opuwari Manuel
The purpose of salt is to change the nature of what it invades without calling attention to itself. Attracting attention to yourself in the Kingdom of God is like seducing the bride because you are the best man of the groom.
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- Author Kingsley Opuwari Manuel
As powerful as your genetic combination is in determining the outcome of your life, your decisions are more powerful. You will ultimately look like your decisions.
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