5 Quotes by L.M. Montgomery about silence
- Author L.M. Montgomery
If you can sit in silence with a person for half an hour and yet be entirely comfortable, you and that person can be friends. If you cannot, friends you'll never be and you need not waste time in trying.
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- Author L.M. Montgomery
Never be silent with persons you love and distrust," Mr. Carpenter had said once. "Silence betrays.
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- Author L.M. Montgomery
More than ever at that instant did she long for speech - speech that would conceal and protect where dangerous silence might betray.
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- Author L.M. Montgomery
Have you ever noticed how many silences there are, Gilbert? The silence of the woods...of the shore...of the meadows...of the night...of the summer afternoon. All different because all the undertones that thread them are different. I'm sure if I were totally blind and insensitive to heat and cold I could easily tell just where I was by the quality of the silence about me.
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- Author L.M. Montgomery
We'll just sit here," said Barney, "and if we think of anything worth while saying we'll say it. Otherwise, not. Don't imagine you're bound to talk to me.""John Foster says," quoted Valancy, "'If you can sit in silencewith a person for half an hour and yet be entirely comfortable, youand that person can be friends. If you cannot, friends you'llnever be and you need not waste time in trying.'""Evidently John Foster says a sensible thing once in a while,"conceded Barney.
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