6 Quotes by Lamine Pearlheart about relationship

"If you listen carefully you will hear a symphony of light being played, it is that of you and your partner. It also called love. - On Love"


"Love dies if it has no more ground to conquer and suffocates if it has too many spaces - On Love."


"Money is a good weapon against the scum and is of no consequence to the noble mind. - On Money."


"We choose people based on perceived outward good looks, but we reject them based on their confirmed inner ugliness. - On Relationships"


"Trust is earned and never given, those who give it freely are fools. On the Value of Trust."


"Those who consider people bridges will use them. Those who view people as humans will try to befriend them. Those who see their partners as persons they can dump are bound to attract dumpsters and doomed they are to attract but the trash bins."
