27 Quotes by Laura Kaye about romance

  • Author Laura Kaye
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    He dropped his arms on the bed and peered over at Jenna.She lay on her side facing him, hand tucked under her chin, not looking the least bit settled or relaxed."Whatchu need?""You." She spoke the word without and hesitation, any doubt, any seeming self-consciousness.

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  • Author Laura Kaye
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    Easy squeezed her hand and tugged her closer. She sucked in a breath, sure he was going to kiss her. He did. Just not how she'd thought. His lips pressed to her forehead, then he pulled back to look her in the eye. "I see a woman who's made me fell more alive in the past few days than I have in a long, long time.

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  • Author Laura Kaye
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    Last bedroom on the right," Nick said with a smirk. "Might want to knock first."Jeremy rolled his eyes. "Dude, you are so not one to talk right now."Straight-faced, Nick popped Jeremy in the arm with a fist."Dude," Jeremy said, rubbing his arm. "Maybe you aren't doing it right 'cause sex is supposed to chill your ass out."Easy managed a smile. "I really like your brother, Rix," Easy said, looking at Nick.

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  • Author Laura Kaye
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    Hi" she said.He gave her the sexiest crooked smile. "Hi." He stepped into her space, both his hands going to her hair, pushing it back off her face, just running his fingers through it. Touching her like he always did. "What was it you wanted?" he asked, no rush or urgency to his voice."You." The word fell from her lips unbidden, but she didn't' want to take it back. She didn't have time for anything but honesty. "Just you.

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  • Author Laura Kaye
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    Devlin was leaning against her car, elbows braces on the hood as though he didn't have a care in the world.Anna nearly screamed. "Holy shit," she said, pressing her hand to her heart. "That's not cool."Apparently untroubled by her reaction, he raised his hand and held his thumb and forefinger just milimeters apart. "It's a little cool.""Oh, so Mr. Tall, Dark and Angsty has a sense of humor?""On a rare occasion.

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  • Author Laura Kaye
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    He hadn't really rejected her, had he?Or maybe she was reading into her memory of the moment what she wanted to see.Probably.Then again, he'd been hard. And he;s looked at her like he wanted to eat her. And she was totally game to be his buffet.

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