47 Quotes by Laurence Galian about Gnosticism
- Author Laurence Galian
Hermes Trismegistus is the most famous Gnostic. He was the founder of the pre-Christian lineage of Greek Gnosticism.
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- Author Laurence Galian
Planet Earth is a materialization of Sophia's body.
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- Author Laurence Galian
The great error of the Catholic Church, the Protestant, Christian and Evangelical churches is that they preach a Christos devoid of his consort: Sophia. These churches are teaching an unbalanced representation of the Divine Emanation. This 'imbalance' is evidence of the activity of the Archons working inside the churches.
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- Author Laurence Galian
You are your own prophet.
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- Author Laurence Galian
Gnosticism is the purest and most direct way of knowing God and the Universe.
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- Author Laurence Galian
God is Infinite, and as we partake in this Infinite Reality, we are also partaking in the infinite variations of this Reality.
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- Author Laurence Galian
You have the power to defeat any Alien Parasites. We have divine authority over all creation because you are intimately joined with the Christos and Sophia. You are more unique than you can possibly imagine. You are so unique that your way to enlightenment is the only way, for you and you only. Everyone else, if they exist, have their own paths.
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- Author Laurence Galian
Remember that, according to the Gospel of John, there were “Three Mary's” at the foot of the Cross!Mary, Mother of JesusMary of ClopasMary MagdaleneThree women mentioned in Mark 16: 1 also came to the tomb of Jesus who were named Mary!
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- Author Laurence Galian
However, to the Gnostics, the Christos is an Aeon, dwelling in the Pleroma. The Christos is the syzygy (male Aeonic consort) of Sophia.
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