73 Quotes by Lebo Grand about ecstasy

"Sex doesn’t make two people to bond, sensuality does. Sensuality simply means that you’re both on a shared path to ecstasy."


"We can never experience sensuality beyond our capacity to conceive and receive. As much sensuality as we can accept, that much we can demonstrate."


"Sex doesn’t make two people to bond, sensuality does. Sensuality simply means that you’re both on a shared path to ecstasy it doesn’t matter if that ecstasy is healthy or toxic."


"Today, relationships/marriages need to be sensual, not traditional. Their ‘terms and conditions’ should not hinge on gender or societal norms but on a shared path to ecstasy."


"For as long as you’re in touch with your sensuality you are in your prime no matter what age you are."


"So many people feel 80 years old at 44. Because the society cuts off particularly women from their desires when it deems their sexual market value nonviable (not capable of growing or developing). Don’t let it cut you off from yours. Remember, your sensuality is your advantage... and your adventure. Live and Love like you’re in your prime, because as long as you’re in touch with your sensuality you are in your prime baby, no matter what age you are."


"Remember, your body is the landing ground of your sensuality. It is there to interpret and expresses all of who you are."


"There is no lie in sensuality. It’s the ultimate truth."
