85 Quotes by Leo Tolstoy about Love
- Author Leo Tolstoy
There are no conditions of life to which a man cannot accustom himself, especially if he sees that every one around him lives in the same way.
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- Author Leo Tolstoy
And where love ends, hate begins
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- Author Leo Tolstoy
He was nine years old; he was a child; he he knew his own soul, it was precious to him, he guarded it as the eyelid guards the eye, and without the key of love he let no one into his soul.
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- Author Leo Tolstoy
Respect is an invention of people who want to cover up the empty place where love should be.
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- Author Leo Tolstoy
Ah, if everyone was as sensitive as you! There's no girl who hasn't gone through that. And it's all so unimportant!
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- Author Leo Tolstoy
I understood that men only think that they live by caring only about themselves: in reality they live by love alone.
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- Author Leo Tolstoy
I've enough pride never to let myself love a man who does not love me.
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- Author Leo Tolstoy
Todas as mulheres são mais materialistas do que os homens. Nós fazemos do amor algo enorme, mas elas sempre se mantém ‘terre-à-terre’.
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- Author Leo Tolstoy
Sou amigo da divisão do trabalho. Pessoas que não fazem nada devem fazer pessoas, enquanto as demais devem contribuir para a instrução e a felicidade delas. Eis o que penso. Para confundir esses dois ofícios, há uma multidão de amadores, a cujo número não pertenço.
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