85 Quotes by Leo Tolstoy about Love
- Author Leo Tolstoy
Don't steal sweet rolls.
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- Author Leo Tolstoy
A moment ago, and how close she had been to him, of whatimportance in his life! And how aloof and remote from him shehad become now!"It was bound to be so," he said, not looking at her.
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- Author Leo Tolstoy
...and if one loves, one loves the whole person as he or she is, and not as one might wish them to be.
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- Author Leo Tolstoy
Happiness does not depend on outward things, but on the way we see them.
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- Author Leo Tolstoy
Love is God, and to die means that I, a particle of love, shall return to the general and eternal source.
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- Author Leo Tolstoy
The best generals I have known were... stupid or absent-minded men. Not only does a good army commander not need any special qualities, on the contrary he needs the absence of the highest and best human attributes - love, poetry, tenderness, and philosophic inquiring doubt. He should be limited, firmly convinced that what he is doing is very important (otherwise he will not have sufficient patience), and only then will he be a brave leader. God forbid that he should be humane, should love, or pity, or think of what is just and unjust.
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- Author Leo Tolstoy
Christianity, with its doctrine of humility, of forgiveness, of love, is incompatible with the state, with its haughtiness, its violence, its punishment, its wars
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- Author Leo Tolstoy
Love is life. All, everything that I understand, I understand only because I love. Everything is, everything exists, only because I love. Everything is united by it alone. Love is God, and to die means that I, a particle of love, shall return to the general and eternal source.
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- Author Leo Tolstoy
The hero of my tale, whom I love with all the power of my soul, whom I have tried to portray in all his beauty, who has been, is, and will be beautiful, is Truth.
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