5 Quotes by Lionel Shriver about obesity

  • Author Lionel Shriver
  • Quote

    I backed off. Ever since obesity had become a social issue on top of a personal one, big people must have encountered the conviction that what they ate was everyone else's business. In truth that chocolate bar did feel intensely like my business, but only because he was my brother. Whenever he ate rich or sweet things around me I got agitated, no less so than if he'd carved himself with a razor blade in plain view.

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  • Author Lionel Shriver
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    The eerie disposition between player and piano put me in mind of Schroeder, banging out Beethoven on a toy.

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  • Author Lionel Shriver
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    —Pero no te habría gustado tener una mujer gorda, ¿verdad?—Sí. ¿Y ahora? Me encantaría una mujer gorda. Ojalá te pusieses como una foca. Me gustaría que fueses enorme. De hecho, por lo que ahora sé, no entiendo por qué los médicos no aconsejan a todo el mundo que engorden unos diez kilos mientras se tiene la posibilidad de hacerlo. No quiero defender la obesidad, pero hay una razón para estar gordo. Es un recurso.

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  • Author Lionel Shriver
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    His weight makes him a social pariah. It reduces the likelihood he’ll remarry. It has grave implications for his health. But it isn’t evil. Just like all that exercise of yours has nothing to do with being good. I know you think it does. It makes you feel good, and feel good about yourself, and feel superior to people who slob around all day. But it’s mostly a waste of time that doesn’t do anything for anybody else but you.

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