12 Quotes by Lionel Suggs about imagination

"Ideas that don't even exist have the power to destroy the world."


"To me, imagination is about breaking down the walls of a reality of multiple interpretations, and truly opening up your mind to assemble one clear interpretation. Once you have tasted imagination, reality will no longer be enough for you. The line between reality and dreams will become blurred, and then clear, because the line will cease to exist. Once you reach the point of living in imagination, you will truly be free."


"People won't see Imagination in something that doesn't relate to their experience because of their own mental limitations. I want people to escape the expected and ordinary, to escape the regular expectations of a story, and truly step into a different world of literature."


"People tend to misinterpret imagination for being willing to do everything, instead of having the capability to put your mind to anything. There is a difference."


"The mind is a universe, and it has the power to completely create any possibility."


"Look at a full vivid painting, and look at an empty picture. If you can immediately see an entire universe within the empty picture, and absolutely nothing in the vivid painting, clarity is your friend. If you immediately see a full vivid painting and an empty picture, and see them for what they are, slavery is your friend."


"Reality cannot breathe without imagination."


"I never assume anything. I anticipate the possibilities and allow my imagination to create the future."


"Lies can open up the doors to imagination."


"I am usually more impressed with people who are artful in shuffling a deck, than those who can masterfully play chess."
