16 Quotes by Lisa Haisha about Authenticity
- Author Lisa Haisha
Every day we have a choice about whether we react or respond to life. The first step in that direction is becoming self-aware and aligning our conscious and subconscious minds, where our Imposters live. In short, it’s about becoming aware of our Imposters (negative thoughts in our heads).
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- Author Lisa Haisha
We all need to do some amount of emotional and spiritual housekeeping. When we commit to that process, we evolve. We grow. And we get more in touch with our Authentic Souls.
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- Author Lisa Haisha
Once you start that important spiritual housekeeping work, your Imposters will surely protest. Your Victim Imposter might whine: I don’t wanna do the hard work. Don’t make me! Your Egotist Imposter might lament: I already know that I can do the hard work, ergo I don’t need to do it. I don’t have to prove anything to anyone!
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- Author Lisa Haisha
But once we have a practice for taming our Imposters, we’re able to get in touch with a much bigger star in the constellation of our lives: the Authentic Soul.
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- Author Lisa Haisha
Your Authentic Self is informed by the experiences and hard-won wisdom you’ve accrued throughout your life. It’s also about expression: who you are when you are free and uncensored.
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- Author Lisa Haisha
Your Authentic Self emerges when you’re unburdened by the rash judgments, negative self-talk, fears, and reactivity of your Imposters.
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- Author Lisa Haisha
The best way to work through the noise and fiction of our Imposters is to STOP for a moment and get quiet inside, OBSERVE them, UNDERSTAND the fears and anxieties behind their chatter, and LIBERATE ourselves from them.
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- Author Lisa Haisha
SoulBlazing is a practice for blazing through your emotional baggage so that you can live a more purposeful life that’s aligned with your Authentic Self.
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- Author Lisa Haisha
The radiant clarity that comes with daily sunrise and sunset meditations changes your energy field and vibration. I call it a soul practice.
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