12 Quotes by Lisa J. Shultz about simplify
- Author Lisa J. Shultz
If we want more healing and peace in the world, let us each start with our homes, our relationships, our mindsets, and ourselves.
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- Author Lisa J. Shultz
For me, decluttering and downsizing has caused shifts in my thinking and my habits. I don’t have to declutter; I choose to declutter.
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- Author Lisa J. Shultz
Be mindful and prevent possible conflict surrounding your belongings. Aging often produces a waning of energy, and sadly, not all of us will maintain a sound mind. Possible disability, mental or physical, can relegate sorting and dispersing one’s belongings to someone else who might not want the job.
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- Author Lisa J. Shultz
Lightening my load of stuff and responsibilities freed me to look forward to planning and creating a living situation that was sustainable and lessened potential stress in caring for a home and its contents as I aged.
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- Author Lisa J. Shultz
Decluttering and downsizing before I am forced to do so also means my kids will have less work and stress when I reach old age or suffer an infirmity.
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- Author Lisa J. Shultz
Instead of thinking I am losing something when I clear clutter, I dwell on what I might gain.
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- Author Lisa J. Shultz
As I declutter and downsize, I gradually discover more of my essence and my purpose.
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- Author Lisa J. Shultz
Minimizing can be exhilarating. If you continue decluttering, you just might find a zest for life that you didn’t know existed under all that stuff!
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- Author Lisa J. Shultz
As I thin out my things and discuss what to do with what is left, I release the expectation that they must be passed down within my family. This openness and acceptance may potentially pave the way for less disputes and resentments in the future.
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