20 Quotes by Lisa Kleypas about haha

"Leo," Amelia asked suspiciously, "what are you planning to do to her?" "Why do you always insist on asking questions when you know you won't like the answers?" "Because, being an optimist," she said tartly, "I always hope I'm wrong."- Amelia & Leo"


"My guardian angel," he said, the words beginning to slur. "I don't think I ever had one until now." "If you did," she said, "you probably ran too fast for her to keep up with you." He made a quiet sound of amusement. - Leo & Catherine"


"It took the combined efforts of Cam and George to load the grumbling, protesting Leo into the carriage. “It’s like hauling five sacks of potatoes all at once,” the footman said breathlessly, pushing Leo’s foot safely inside the vehicle. “The potatoes would be quieter,” Cam said."


"Will you have a glass, Hunt?" Westcliff asked, indicating the tray on a nearby table."Thank you, but no," Hunt said affably, pulling Annabelle's arm through his. "If you'll pardon us, I have a few things to discuss with my wife." And without waiting for an answer, he dragged Annabelle from the ballroom with a haste that left no doubt as to what would happen next."Yes, I'm sure they'll be chatting up a storm," Rafe remarked, and winced as Lillian drove her elbow hard into his side."


"Will you have a glass, Hunt?" Westcliff asked, indicating the tray on a nearby table."Thank you, but no," Hunt said affably, pulling Annabelle's arm through his. "If you'll pardon us, I have a few things to discuss with my wide." And without waiting for an answer, he dragged Annabelle from the ballroom with a haste that left no doubt as to what would happen next."Yes, I'm sure they'll be chatting up a storm," Rafe remarked, and winced as Lillian drove her elbow hard into his side."


"Merripen?” Her voice was strained. “Yes?” “You should probably know that if my brother hasn’t already managed to kill himself, I plan to shoot him when we find him.” “I’ll hand you the pistol."


"It's not really your land," Merripen had told him, "until you've put some of your own blood and sweat into it." "Is that all?" Leo asked sarcastically. "Only blood and sweat? I'm certain I can find one or two other bodily fluids to donate if it's that important."- Merripen & Leo"


"At least work keeps you from your vices," Win quipped one evening before supper, rubbing his hair affectionately as she joined him in the parlor. "I happen to like my vices," Leo told her. "That's why I went to the trouble of acquiring them."- Win & Leo"


"Mrs. Abbott, I'm going to the kitchen to wash. You'll want to warn the housemaids to shield their eyes from the sight of my manly chest."Kathleen, Lady Trenear, came to Garrett. "Whose housemaids would he be referring to?" she asked dryly. "Ours will be crowding into the scullery to obtain the best possible view."


"Go to hell,” Sebastian muttered. “No doubt that was what you came to tell me tonight. If so, you’re about a month too late.” “That was my intention,” Westcliff admitted. “Now, however, I’ve decided to stay and have a snifter of brandy while you tell me what in God’s name you’re doing."
