36 Quotes by Liz Faublas about Self-love

  • Author Liz Faublas
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    I was told (by a man) "Women's History" month was just a "man made" (note the irony) observation that adds little to no value to society. Fortunately the woman who raised me, the women who mentored me and those who crashed through ceilings, kicked down doors, shattered stereotypes, forged paths to freedom or otherwise helped build a nation and change the world... disagree. As do I. So I will always pay it forward.

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  • Author Liz Faublas
  • Quote

    Too many young, beautiful, smart little girls feel like this because they are not taught to LOVE THEMSELVES...they are not reminded that they are beautifully and wonderfully made by the greatest Creator! Love who you are, as you are, where you are, because you are AMAZING! #"YouHaveASuperpower

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  • Author Liz Faublas
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    In order to live a fulfilling life, you must do as much (if not more) for yourself as you do for others. Sometimes we spend so much time caring for the next person we neglect to invest in ourselves. Remind yourself every day: Your needs, your aspirations, your success, and your goals also matter. It’s ok to be a shoulder, cheerleader, friend and support system; but remember, you deserve as good as you give.

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