38 Quotes by Liz Newman about Love
- Author Liz Newman
She was always the first to love, first to encourage, first to forgive...for everyone but herself.
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- Author Liz Newman
Sometimes, the emptiness comes to fill the space between my heart and my head. It consumes every thought, every corner of my mind, like demons that can’t be put to bed.
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- Author Liz Newman
I lived for so long without you, only dreaming of the concept of you. And, now that I know you, I can't imagine going back there... to a me that didn't know your name.
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- Author Liz Newman
Be the one who makes people feel like they are worthy of second chances and new beginnings. Be the one who finds a way to love others and love themselves, flaws and all. Be the one that shows others how beautiful it is to love without conditions.
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- Author Liz Newman
You speak to me with the same sweet tenderness. We go to the same hang outs in our sleepy town. Your lips are the same as they press against mine. The only thing that has changed is me.
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- Author Liz Newman
Her legacy was that she loved with all she had, whether you deserved it or not.
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- Author Liz Newman
I was so afraid of what life would do to us…to our kind of love
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- Author Liz Newman
Sometimes,People just aren’t going to get itIt’s an ever-elusive concept, to be understoodAll you can hope forIs that you find someone that tries.Find someone that tries.
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- Author Liz Newman
I was missing you, but not for the person you were. I was missing you for the version of you I made up in my mind. I was missing the possibilities of what could have been. I was missing the potential I thought I saw in you. I was missing you for the glimpses I thought I saw of our future and for that hopes I had that I could be a girl worth changing for.
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