11 Quotes by Marc Chagall about art
"In the arts, as in life, everything is possible provided it is based on love."
"All colors are the friends of their neighbors and the lovers of their opposites."
"In spite of everything, there is still no more wonderful vocation than to continue to tolerate events and to work on in the name of our mission, in the name of that spirit which lives on in our teaching and in our vision of humanity and art, the spirit which can lead us Jews down the true and just path. But along the way, peoples will spill our blood, and that of others."
"Everything in art must spring from the movement of our whole life-stream, of our whole being - including the unconscious."
"Art seems to me to be above all a state of soul. All souls are sacred, the soul of all the bipeds in every quarter of the globe."
"But perhaps my art is the art of a lunatic, I thought, mere glittering quicksilver, a blue soul breaking in upon my pictures."
"Changes in societal structure and in art would possess more credibility if they had their origins in the soul and spirit. If people read the words of the prophets with closer attention, they would find the keys to life."