13 Quotes by Marcel Proust about beauty
- Author Marcel Proust
Let us leave pretty women to men with no imagination.
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- Author Marcel Proust
There is a beauty in being surrounded by the foreign – seeing things from a new perspective, with new eyes
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- Author Marcel Proust
Her [Odette's] eyes were beautiful, but so large they seemed to droop beneath their own weight, strained the rest of her face and always made her appear unwell or in a bad mood.
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- Author Marcel Proust
... he was like a man into whose life a woman, whom he has seen for a moment passing by, has brought a new form of beauty, which strengthens and enlarges his own power of perception, without his knowing even whether he is ever to see her again whom he loves already, although he knows nothing of her, not even her name.
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- Author Marcel Proust
The beauty of images lies behind things, the beauty of ideas in front of them.
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- Author Marcel Proust
He stood gazing at her; traces of the old fresco were apparent in her face and limbs, and these he tried incessantly, afterwards, to recapture, both when he was with Odette, and when he was only thinking of her in her absence; and, albeit his admiration for the Florentine masterpiece was probably based upon his discovery that it had been reproduced in her, the similarity enhanced her beauty also, and rendered her more precious in his sight.
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- Author Marcel Proust
My dears, laugh at me if you like; it is not conventionally beautiful, but there is something in its quaint old face which pleases me. If it could play the piano, I am sure it would really play.
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- Author Marcel Proust
... until it had acquired the strength to create in my mind a fresh example of absolute, unproductive beauty...
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- Author Marcel Proust
And so her parents-in-law, whom she still regarded as the most eminent people in France, declared that she was an angel; all the more so because they preferred to appear, in marrying their son to her, to have yielded to the attraction rather of her natural charm than of her considerable fortune.
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