24 Quotes by Maria Karvouni about truth
"I just trust my intuition taking into account the psychology of things. Therefore, I am not persuaded by facts, but by behaviors."
"Curses to the crooked, to the liars and to the immoral people, because only truth must triumph."
"I will never know, because I will never be able to be in the position to witness those things. And I don't care to know something I myself cannot confirm. No one should care about this."
"Don't trust anything, motivations vary."
"It is better to not believe a truth than to believe a lie, because this defines yourself too. If you believe a lie that has negative effects, it shows you may have malicious intentions. But if you don't believe a truth that has negative effects, then you may be well-disposed."
"The truth belongs to the experience, not the attempt of third parties to interpret a story, without knowing the exact incidents, but only one or a few facts."
"Society is competitive and some feel inferior and are jealous of others. This motivates them to believe and spread lies. They satisfy their malevolence to lift themselves. In the world I want to live in, any form of gossip should be illegal and people should talk only about arts and sciences."
"The truth belongs to the experience."
"Everything is subjective."
"Seasons have changed. Advancements have made it all possible. It's time to doubt everything."