15 Quotes by Marie Montine about Survival
"The army of men that will come for us will be our sustenance."
"You humans destroyed my life, my family’s life, everything I loved and treasured. It was because of your ancestor that my kind fell. And then, the one thing I could still love in the shadows of the Night Realm was Oliara. When that was taken away from me, I became empty. So do not tell me you love me; even if I could give it back – which would never be given to a human – I could not: I no longer know how to."
"You are a difficult woman, Cassandra. I should give you back to the humans. They deserve you."
"The gems are worth more on the island than off it."
"I called you a fool for a reason: it would probably take an eternity before the temple stops playing with you and another eternity before you realize it."