155 Quotes by Mark M. Bello about Justice
- Author Mark M. Bello
Focus, Blake! Everything will fall into place. What would I have if I lost this case? I'd have nothing, no one—same as before.
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- Author Mark M. Bello
But, is this right for my family? The plan was centered on publicity. Would the boys have to testify? Newspaper reporters would hound them. What would things be like at school? Kids could be so cruel. Would the boys be subjected to cruel jokes about sexual desires and preferences? Was her imagination carrying her away, or were these realistic fears?
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- Author Mark M. Bello
She was right to be angry. He did violate every condition she placed on the resolution of the case. He never thought she was serious. But she was, and his blunder was going to cost him the case of a lifetime. I can do this her way! If she wants the case to be public, then public it shall be! If she wants to turn down $1.1 million, I'll get her $2 million—whatever she wants! I have to convince her!
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- Author Mark M. Bello
Sleeping with children is not within the scope of a priest’s employment.”“But an unsuspecting kid doesn’t know that. He trusts the priest to tell him what God likes or doesn’t like, isn’t that true? This is textbook apparent authority . . .
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- Author Mark M. Bello
I now believe successful criminal and civil outcomes in these cases, prison for Gerry, and a large damages award for the boys, would clarify these issues and assuage their guilt feelings. A guilty verdict in the criminal case and a large civil verdict or settlement would be double vindication for the boys.
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- Author Mark M. Bello
. . . this predator used his position in furtherance of his crimes and disguised his depravity as a religious ritual. This man will soon reside in an Ohio prison, where he belongs. He is not only guilty of serious crimes against children. He is guilty of a serious betrayal of faith.
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- Author Mark M. Bello
Are we interrupting your late-morning nap, Mr. Blake?” District Court Judge Emma Pearl inquired, with a harsh tone and an insistent expression.
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- Author Mark M. Bello
He’d wait me out if his parents let him. A promise is a promise, but is he ready for such a tale? I’ve only shared this story with a select few, and only for Holocaust remembrance.
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- Author Mark M. Bello
Such is life in the legal arena—lawyers and clients may not count their chickens until all the appeals are hatched.
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